Mary Haft spent a career in network television, working in production on PM Magazine, Group W Documentaries, and ABC 20/20. Creating Haft Productions, along with the creation of her family, allowed this spectrum of work to encompass a wider world.
Georgetown Pediatrics
Produced to tell the story of Georgetown Pediatrics – a separate hospital within Georgetown Medical Center that is the center for pediatric care. From the surgical wards, to hospital rooms, to the programs that reach into Washington’s inner city to provide a Mobile Medical Clinic with a neighborhood pediatrician, to work within Washington’s homeless shelters with the Hoya Clinic to provide care for children and their parents and an afterschool literacy program, Jump Start, to give every child a chance to succeed. They also created a clinic for deaf children and their families with a pediatrician fluent in sign language, along with a translator for help with all facets of care.
Georgetown Pediatrics provides comprehensive care for the child and the family; a mission and philosophy: don’t just treat the disease, treat the whole child, the whole family. Making a difference, one child at a time.
Written, Produced, and Directed by Mary Haft
Cinematography: Gino Bruno
Editing: Gino Bruno