Mary Haft spent a career in network television, working in production on PM Magazine, Group W Documentaries, and ABC 20/20. Creating Haft Productions, along with the creation of her family, allowed this spectrum of work to encompass a wider world.

The Seed School

Produced to tell the story of the SEED School, a pioneering public/private school model of a boarding school for inner city students. This documentary captures the pivotal first graduating class of this school. A group of students and their families who signing on to this model, when the school was held in the attic of the Children’s Museum. A concept that has won critical acclaim, the school now sits on its own campus, with a school and dormitory that encompasses middle school through high school.

The SEED model was conceived and made real by the determination and dedication of its two founders: Eric Adler and Rajiv Vinnakota.

“We started this in response to what we felt was decades of neglect of millions of children across this country. We cannot afford to write these children off. They are entitled to an education, as a society we owe it to them and as a society we owe it to ourselves and as a society we owe it to ourselves to educate all of our citizens…if we’re willing to do the hard work, and willing to create communities that are custom designed to work with our children, all of our children can succeed.”


“What we hope for these kids is that they get to become whatever they want to become.”

“We can’t leave any children behind. And there really are solutions for bringing all of our children with us…if we work hard, and invest the resources, and we give kids those opportunities, that they can then change their world… We’re trying to nurture the best human being each child can be.”

The SEED School has made that difference. Walk these halls and feel lives being changed; futures rearranged.

Written, Produced & Directed by Mary Haft
Editing: Michael Gionis, Double R Productions