Mary Haft spent a career in network television, working in production on PM Magazine, Group W Documentaries, and ABC 20/20. Creating Haft Productions, along with the creation of her family, allowed this spectrum of work to encompass a wider world.

The Washington Ballet

Produced to tell the story of the Washington Ballet – from the professional company of dancers, to the ballet schools that reach into all corners of our city, and the innovative program within DC inner schools of Dance DC. The point: humanity soars when the arts are encouraged.

“We’re ennobled by ballet”, says Artistic Director Septime Webre. “Through our work in the community, in the studio, in the schools with our students, and our work on stage. In order for life to be full and complete, one needs roots and one needs wings. It’s important to have all of the basics. But life doesn’t soar without wings. We’re providing for our young people and our audiences, this sense that life is greater than the mundane. That we are our idealized selves. What we’re doing when we are dancing for an audience, we’re showing an audience their best selves. What we’re doing when we’re training a young person, we’re bringing them along to show them who they can be. Life’s a better place because we’re doing what we do.”

Written, Produced & Directed by Mary Haft
Editing: Michael Gionis, Double R Productions